June 14, 2019

How Long After my Accident Can I File an Injury Claim?

Mercer County Injury Lawyers Providing Council to Clients in Trenton, Princeton, Pennington, and across Mercer County NJ Many of our Mercer County personal injury clients ask us how much time they have to file their claim. The answer to this question is two-fold, the answer by the letter of the law and the answer that any

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April 28, 2019

Motorcycle Injury Safety Tips

Over the last ten years in New Jersey, the state has averaged 74 motorcycle fatalities each year, and tragically that number continues to climb. And while many times motorcycle accident injuries and deaths are the result of the actions of other drivers and motorists, many times it is not. It is hard enough recovering financial

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March 14, 2019

Doctor’s Advice After a Traumatic Injury in Mercer County NJ

Whenever you are given a plan of action by a doctor for treating an illness or injury, it is probably in your best interest to follow that plan as closely as possible. If you are currently pursuing a personal injury claim however, it is absolutely crucial that you do. When you file a personal injury

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March 14, 2019

True Value vs Quick Settlement of an Injury Claim

True Value vs Quick Settlement of an Injury Claim I think the answer to the question of whether we would rather settle a case than get true value is the fact that we don´t. We look at a client’s claim and we try to get the value that we believe it deserves and that means

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March 12, 2019

How long does it take to settle a personal injury case?

Length of a Mercer County Personal Injury Case Every case is an individual case, clients could be treating for a day, a month, a year or since most cases have to be filed within two years there´s a lot of clients that are still treating when the case goes into a suit. What I explain

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