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December 18, 2017

Personal Injury Claim Settlements

In general, there are two possible ways for a person injured by the reckless or negligent actions of another party to secure a personal injury recovery, through a jury or trial judge verdict, or through a settlement with the responsible party and their insurance company. However, the U.S. government estimates that only 4-5% of all

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October 23, 2017

Limited Right to Sue Versus Unlimited Right to Sue

When drivers choose their car insurance policy in New Jersey, one of the most important decisions they will make is the choice between the “limited right to sue”, or an “unlimited right to sue”. While unlimited policies will certainly cost more, they may be preferable due to how injury compensation works when it comes to

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October 12, 2017

Motorcycle Accidents and Your Motorcycle Insurance Policy

Each state in the US is given the discretion to decide what kinds of insurance policies will be available for cars, motorcycles, and trucks. New Jersey is one several states which employs the idea of “no-fault” auto insurance. This means that anyone injured in any kind of car accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident will

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June 14, 2017

New Jersey Initiative Seeks to Prevent Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

The National Center on Elder Abuse stated that in 2014, 1.4 million Americans reside in nursing homes, while another 835,200 lived in residential care communities. When we entrust nursing homes with the care of our loved ones, we want to feel secure in the knowledge that our family members are safe, and well-cared for. New

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May 19, 2017

Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Case

While the main goal of any Mercer County personal injury suit is to recover compensation for medical expenses and lost wages, the greatest portion of recoveries in any personal injury case often comes from what is known as “pain and suffering”. Pain and suffering refers to the emotional and physical hardships suffered as a result

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February 18, 2017

Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Case

In any personal injury case, a plaintiff will seek compensation for several things, compensation for medical costs, lost income and wages, and pain and suffering. Compensation for medical costs is fairly straightforward, you were injured, your injuries required medical treatment, and the costs of that treatment should be paid for by the liable party(s). Lost

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