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March 9, 2015

New Jersey’s Winter Weather Leads to Increasing Accidents and Injuries

New Jersey residents have been exposed to severe winter weather conditions this season, and as snow and ice continue to bombard the state, the frequency of accidents involving ice and snow has increased significantly. Whether it be a motor vehicle accident involving a car, truck, or motorcycle, or a slip and fall incident caused be snow or

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March 1, 2015

Pennsylvania Offers Courses to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has announced available courses for motorcycle riders statewide, combining classroom and practical components in order to address safety issues and skill development for a wide variety of riders, from those who have only a motorcycle learner’s permit to the most experienced individuals with motorcycle licenses. The State takes the education

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February 21, 2015

NJ Supreme Court Supports Car Insurer in Two Significant Cases

The New Jersey Supreme Court recently found in favor of New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co. in two important cases, ruling against plaintiffs who filed lawsuits against the automobile insurance company for compensation under their uninsured motorist policies. These decisions are extremely significant, as they allow auto insurance companies to refuse to compensate policy holders with

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February 16, 2015

Billion-Dollar Product Liability Litigation May Soon Conclude in New Jersey

It appears that New Jersey will soon see the end of a potential mass tort litigation involving women who were prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat menopausal symptoms that they claimed, in fact, led to cancer and other health issues. Remarkably, what became a multi-million dollar collection of suits across the United States has

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January 13, 2015

West Windsor Man Arrested for Alleged Assault on Police Officers

According to Sergeant Mark Lee, the West Windsor Police Department received a call to its 9-1-1 system after which the individual immediately hung up. Officers were then dispatched to the location from where the call was made, arriving at a residence in the Penns Neck area of West Windsor at approximately 12:00 a.m. The officers

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