Supporting Your Vehicle Accident Claim With Dash Cam Footage

May 28, 2021

Supporting Your Vehicle Accident Claim With Dash Cam Footage

People nowadays record life events daily, sometimes capturing unaware people and spontaneous moments in real-time. The increment in the use of dashboard cameras by drivers in New Jersey responds to increased auto accident rates due to traffic saturation on roads and highways. According to New Jersey personal injury attorneys, dash cameras can supply vital data

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Why Is Preserving Evidence So Important In Your Personal Injury Case?

August 30, 2020

Why is Preserving Evidence Important in a Personal Injury Case?

Preserving Evidence in a Car Accident Case Can be Crucial for a Successful and Complete Recovery of a Personal Injury Claim In a personal injury lawsuit following a car accident in New Jersey, the injured party bears the burden of proving that they sustained damages and detailing what those damages are. The amount of evidence

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