Roundabout Accident Lawyers in Trenton, New Jersey
Our Traffic Circle Accident Attorneys Will Guide You Through Each Step to Obtain the Compensation You Deserve

There are plenty of dangers on New Jersey roads that can cause an accident. Fortunately, there are structures in place that serve to reduce the likelihood of accidents by keeping traffic flowing safely. Traffic circles, or roundabouts, are one example of this. The purpose of roundabouts is to allow the continued flow of traffic around an intersection in a structured way so that automobiles can safely filter on and off the road that leads to their destination. All in all, they are highly successful at doing so. A study by the World Economic Forum found that traffic circles have resulted in a huge decrease in traffic fatalities; for example, in Indiana, roundabouts have reduced traffic deaths at intersections by 90 percent. New Jersey has had traffic circles since the 1920s, but they don’t always work. Unfortunately, while traffic circles are designed with safety and efficiency in mind, they are not always successful at preventing accidents. If you have been in an accident in a traffic circle, there are many factors that will determine whether you will be compensated for damages to your auto and the medical bills you must face for any injury.
The accident lawyers at Cohen & Riechelson are able to practice in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We have been practicing for more than 50 years, helping clients get compensation for different types of injuries due to auto accidents, slip and fall accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents, construction accidents, or motorcycle accidents. Rely on our professional service as numerous clients have done in the past with satisfying results in their cases in Titusville, Edison, Robbinsville, Trenton, Princeton, Hamilton, and other areas across Mercer County, Middlesex County, and New Jersey.
Contact us online or call (609) 528-2596 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced accident lawyers.
The Downside of Roundabouts in New Jersey
When it comes to roundabouts, a lot can go wrong. While they’re installed for driver, cyclist, and pedestrian safety, their efficacy depends 100 percent on how responsibly they’re used. As we know, they aren’t always used well. Whether it’s a driver who doesn’t know that a roundabout operates in a counterclockwise direction, a driver who races into the circle without yielding or while moving at full speed, or someone who doesn’t account for traffic slowdowns and plunges into the car in front of them, there is a myriad of ways that roundabouts can go wrong.
Most Frequent Roundabout Traffic Accidents
The most common collisions in roundabouts occur because a driver disobeys traffic regulations. For example, accidents in New Jersey roundabouts are caused by improper yields in order to enter the circle, unsafe lane changes while in the circle, and distraction causing collisions when the flow of traffic slows or stops.
The most common traffic accidents in roundabouts are rear-end collisions caused by a slow in traffic ahead, as well as side-swipes that occur because one driver unsafely changes lanes.
Roundabout Correct Use According to NJSA 39:4-90
According to NJSA 39:4-90, New Jersey drivers must properly yield when entering a roundabout, and failure to do so could not only cause an accident but result in that driver being held responsible for damages. Because the roundabout moves in a counterclockwise direction, drivers are responsible for yielding to cars already in the roundabout when entering, which would be cars approaching from the left. However, according to NJS 39:4-90, when two cars enter the roundabout at the same time, the car on the left must yield to the car on the right so that both cars can safely enter completely.
Accident-Related Injuries at Roundabouts
Due to variations in speed and circumstance, the injuries that can occur as a result of a roundabout accident are diverse. One of the most common injuries is whiplash, as well as other head, neck, and back injuries of varying degrees. Additionally, victims can suffer from cuts, sprains, bruises, broken bones, and nerve damage. In some cases, loss of limbs or even loss of life occurs.
Determining Liability for Accidents in NJ Traffic Circles
When it comes to determining liability for a roundabout accident, it is important to have the support of an auto accident attorney on your side. Often, multiple cars are involved in an accident in a traffic circle, which blurs the lines of liability substantially. The person who did not follow traffic laws for roundabouts or can be proven to have exhibited negligent behavior within it can be held liable. That could be an automobile driver, a motorcyclist, a bicyclist, or even a pedestrian. However, if another driver’s negligent or illegal behavior within a roundabout caused you to hit another car, you could be held liable for your part.
If I Get Injured in a Roundabout Accident, Am I Eligible for Compensation
You absolutely have the right to seek compensation if you were injured in a roundabout due to someone else’s negligent or illegal behavior. You can seek damages for medical expenses, lost wages, out-of-pocket costs, and pain and suffering.
Talk to the Princeton Roundabout Accident Attorneys at Cohen & Riechelson Today
Roundabout accident claims can be just about as messy as the roundabout accident itself. For this reason, it is essential to have a member of our accident law team at Cohen & Riechelson take the initiative to investigate, prepare, negotiate, and litigate your roundabout accident case if necessary, to get the compensation you are truly entitled to for your injuries. Other drivers or participants in the accident may try to prove that they were not responsible or that you were more responsible for creating the accident than you actually were.
We’ll conduct a strenuous investigation of the available evidence, including police reports, witness testimony, video evidence, and more, to ensure that you are fully compensated for your accident at a traffic circle. If you have been injured in a roundabout in Ewing, Lawrence, Burlington, Windsor, Hamilton, South Brunswick, or elsewhere in Burlington County, Middlesex County, or Mercer County, contact us at (609) 528-2596 to discuss your claim.