Ewing NJ Motorcycle Road Hazards Attorney
Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyers with Offices in Hamilton and Pennington, NJ
One of the most common causes of serious motorcycle accidents in the State of New Jersey is a road hazard. No matter how alert you are while driving a motorcycle, it may not be possible to avoid road hazards. Although an uneven road surface might not pose much of a problem for a car or truck, any kind of bump in the road can be dangerous for a motorcyclist because the driver could be forced to rapidly change speeds or swerve in order to avoid the hazard. Whereas drivers of cars, trucks, and other large vehicles are typically able to withstand a collision with debris in the road, motorcycle riders are likely to struggle with any sort of impact because the bikes are much smaller. Additionally, since motorcycles are relatively light when compared to cars and truck, motorcyclists are at greater risk of being injured when they come into contact with a road hazard.
Cohen & Riechelson is a well-regarded law firm with a track record of success in New Jersey. Our personal injury attorneys have more than 50 years of experience representing motorcycle accident victims in Mercer County, including Hamilton, East Windsor, and Ewing. Our familiarity with local courtroom procedure and personnel means that we have a major advantage when we represent you in your motorcycle accident case. Call (609) 528-2596 to discuss your potential claim.
Types of Road Hazards in Mercer County, NJ
Let’s face it; there are instances when we are driving that can cause an accident entirely out of our control. For as careful as you drive, unexpected circumstances, such as road hazards, can cause accidents. Poor road conditions often lead to single-vehicle motorcycle accidents. When traffic is heavy, a road hazard can cause a multiple-vehicle accident in which the motorcycle collides with another automobile.
The road hazards responsible for these kinds of motorcycle accidents vary. Examples of common road hazards in New Jersey include:
Uneven Roadways
Poorly maintained roads are responsible for many single-vehicle motorcycle accidents in New Jersey. An uneven or jagged roadway can make it difficult for a motorcyclist to maintain control of their bike. Additionally, potholes are a major problem for motorcycles because even a slight bump in the roadway can cause a motorcycle driver to lose control. Since motorcycles are less stable than cars, a motorcycle is far more susceptible to potholes in the road. These are particularly dangerous because it is difficult to see or calculate their size when there is rain or snow. Broken pavement is another hazard.
Slick Surfaces
A slick road surface is one of the greatest concerns for motorcyclists – especially when the motorcyclist is traveling at a high speed. An oil slick or a puddle can cause a motorcycle to skid off the road and cause serious damage to the bike and the driver.
Debris on the Road
Construction workers often leave loose gravel or other debris behind when they finish resurfacing a road. This debris can cause serious motorcycle accidents. Several motorcycle accidents resulted from construction materials flying off of the truck transporting them. Construction materials left on the road or debris from an accident can cause you to lose control of your motorcycle as you try to avoid them.
Even the presence of leaves or a fallen branch on the ground can cause a motorcyclist to lose control of their bike and skid off the road. Something as benign as wet leaves on the roadway can cause you to skid, but branches or other fallen objects can also block your path or hit you. Debris can also do serious damage to a motorcycle’s tires.
Poor Signage
An abrupt detour with poor signage can be a hazard. A busy crosswalk, where pedestrians don’t follow the crossing signal, or an area with no crosswalk at all could cause you to brake quickly and lose control.
Poorly Designed Roadways
There are times when a road is designed poorly. Blind curves or hills with blind spots can make it impossible to see what is in front of you until it is too late. Overgrown trees and vines can limit visibility in some areas as well. Frequently, on two-lane roads, there is standing water after a gully washer, and it doesn’t drain properly, leaving large puddles that are difficult to avoid. Some roads lack guardrails either because they were damaged or they were never placed there to begin with.
Animals Crossing
Motorcyclists may have a tough time avoiding animals that cross in the road. When an animal, such as a deer, darts across the road, a motorcyclist may need to hit the brakes or swerve suddenly in order to avoid contact. The end result is often a single-vehicle crash in which the motorcycle skids off the road.
Potential Accidents Caused by Road Hazards in New Jersey
Just about any accident you can imagine can be instigated by a road hazard. These kinds of accidents are hazardous because, frequently, they are unavoidable. Potholes, loose gravel, slippery, wet roads, and sharp curves are all guilty of causing multi-vehicle accidents. Trucks, cars, commercial vehicles, and especially motorcycles suffer the consequences of an unsafe road.
Types of Injuries That Road Hazard Crashes Can Cause
Having an accident while riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than riding in a car because you are completely exposed to serious injury with nothing to protect you. The most common injuries are TMI (traumatic brain injury), concussion, whiplash, spinal injuries, neck and back injuries, compound fractures, broken bones, road rash, internal bleeding, ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, other organ damage, and wrongful death.
Liability for Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Road Hazards in Hopewell, NJ
If you were injured because of a poorly maintained road, you should be able to seek compensation for your injuries. Many times, this means that the local government is liable for your damages. For example, if a road has dangerous conditions, such as a sharp or sudden curve, the local municipality must post signs or provide adequate warnings to drivers. The government also has a responsibility to post warning signs when a road is left in disarray following construction or other road work.
Liability for a road hazard really depends on the hazard itself. Sometimes, finding the culprit of a road hazard accident is difficult. In incidents where a truck loses part of its cargo or debris is left behind from an accident, it may be challenging to find the guilty party. Poor road conditions are usually the fault of the municipal or state government. Some government entities have protection from certain kinds of liability, but a reasonable motorcycle accident attorney can help your case. Potholes, loose gravel, and uneven asphalt are typical road hazards caused by the state or municipality’s neglect.
A state or local government could be held liable for the defective design and road construction that creates a hazard to drivers. For example, if rainwater cannot drain and eventually pools after a storm, or a nearby rock face sends loose debris onto the roadway, that could be a liability. You would think that animals crossing the road wouldn’t be the government’s fault, but when they built the road, if they knew about the animals, the proper signage should have been placed to warn motorists.
Sloppy construction companies can also be held accountable for leaving debris, pieces of cement, and gravel on the road.
How Can You Avoid Accidents Caused By Road Hazards?
We may restate the obvious, but you must keep your eyes on the road. You should always look ahead to spot possible dangers before they come. Always drive at a safe speed (when it is raining, you may need to drive more slowly than usual). Sometimes you cannot avoid a road hazard, but using protective gear such as a helmet, boots, gloves, jacket, and long pants can protect you in an accident.
Can You Get Compensation For Road Hazard Injuries?
You can build a case against those at fault for your accident, be they construction companies, municipal entities, private businesses, or state entities. The most important part of your case is the evidence. The more you have, the stronger your lawsuit will be. You can receive compensation for economic damages such as property damages, medical bills, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and lost income or income capacity. Non-economic compensation includes pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional trauma (PTSD).
How Can You Prove An Accident Due To Road Hazards in New Jersey?
A skilled motorcycle accident attorney can provide you the professional help you need. Road hazard accidents aren’t as clear-cut as most regular collisions. This is not your garden variety accident; proving fault can be challenging. If you are filing a claim against the government, there are deadlines and requirements for the submission of evidence, which may include photos, accident reconstruction specialists, engineers, and other experts.
If you have an accident because of a road hazard, there are some steps to follow that will help your case. If you have an injury, you must see a doctor immediately. Record the address of the accident, the road hazard you encountered, the condition of the road, and the weather at the time of the accident. Take as many detailed pictures as possible and note everything that happened. Ask witnesses for their contact information and call a skilled attorney right away.
Contact a Princeton NJ Motorcycle Accident Road Hazards Lawyer
The personal injury lawyers at Cohen & Riechelson will do whatever it takes to win your motorcycle accident case. Although filing a lawsuit of this kind isn’t easy, with the right attorney, it can be done. Our attorneys are highly skilled at building compelling motorcycle accident cases, especially when it involves government agencies. Someone must hold them accountable for keeping the roads safe. Call CR today to discuss your potential claim, or email us to schedule a no-obligation meeting at our offices in Hamilton or Pennington, NJ.
We will listen to the facts of your case and do everything within our power to ensure you receive just compensation for your injuries. Our professional attorneys have what it takes to fight for you. We are top negotiators and feel comfortable in a courtroom during litigation when the situation demands it. No matter what, our firm is on your side.