New Jersey Unsafe Conditions Lawyers

Hamilton NJ Personal Injury Lawyers Seeking Compensation for Injuries Caused by Negligent Property Owners’ Unsafe Environments

Accidents & Injuries Caused by Unsafe Conditions in New Jersey

In New Jersey, there are hundreds of thousands of public and private buildings. These buildings, such as apartments, offices, and stores, experience the foot traffic of millions throughout the course of the year. The property owners of these premises are responsible for ensuring that all who work, visit, or legally traverse the space encounter safe conditions. Property owners must maintain all areas under their ownership purview, including parking lots. When someone is seriously injured on someone else’s property, the property owner may be liable to cover damages related to that person’s injury if their negligence and failure to rectify the property’s unsafe conditions led to the injury accident. If you have been injured due to unsafe building, sidewalk, or parking lot conditions, you may have a right to recoup financial damages.

Contact our team of personal injury attorneys at Cohen & Riechelson to learn how we will work to get you the justice and financial compensation you deserve for injuries caused by dangerous conditions on someone else’s property in New Jersey. We serve clients in Pennington, Mount Holly, Robbinsville, Willingboro, Trenton, Princeton, West Windsor, Mercer County, and Middlesex County, NJ. For an initial and complimentary case evaluation call (609) 528-2596 today.

Identifying Unsafe Conditions in New Jersey

Unsafe conditions are any that increase the risk of accident or injury. They could include poor lighting, uneven flooring, rickety stairwells or handrails, slippery or poorly maintained surfaces, weather-burdened thresholds, unsafe equipment and equipment storage, hazardous materials such as toxins present without proper safety measures, ergonomic dangers, insufficient security, and poorly-labeled or blocked emergency exits, though many more examples of unsafe conditions exist.

Injuries Related to Unsafe Conditions

Unfortunately, the variety of unsafe conditions that can exist on premises lead to a wide variety of injuries as well. Many flooring-related maintenance issues can cause slips, trips, and falls. The presence of hazardous materials can lead to respiratory problems, burns, and other internal and external injuries. Equipment stored precariously can fall, causing lacerations, broken bones, head and neck trauma, and other injuries. In the workplace, ergonomic hazards can cause various muscle, nerve, and joint injuries due to repetitively acting out of anatomic alignment. Additionally, workers in industrial complexes or sites where heavy equipment is manipulated, and hazardous materials are handled experience an increased risk of injury when the site is not properly maintained, adequate training is not offered, or working conditions themselves pose an elevated likelihood of being hurt on the job.

Property Owners’ Responsibilities to Prevent Injuries Due to Unsafe Conditions in New Jersey

It is a property owner’s legal responsibility to maintain their property to prevent injuries from occurring, either on a regular basis through normal upkeep or during adverse conditions such as New Jersey ice and snowstorms. A property owner who knows of an unsafe condition or property hazard and does not immediately correct the issue or properly warn of the issue and prevent access to the site can be found negligent. In premises liability law, an owner found negligent by not taking steps to correct unsafe conditions on their property can be held financially responsible for any accident that occurs due to that negligence.

Compensation Options after an Accident Caused by Unsafe Conditions in NJ

Compensation Options for Injures Caused by Unsafe Conditions in Mercer County NJ

When a property owner is proven negligent under New Jersey premises liability law, where their inaction led to another’s injury, the owner may be required to provide financial compensation for expenses related to that injury including medical expenses, lost pay due to inability to work, out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident, and non-economic costs such as emotional pain and suffering.

Have Injuries from an Accident Caused by a Property’s Unsafe Conditions in NJ? Time to Call our Attorneys

In the state of New Jersey, a victim cannot file a claim or sue to recover financial damages for just any injury that happens on someone else’s property. Instead, the plaintiff must prove that the property owner’s negligence or improper maintenance of the site directly led to the injury, where it was their duty to reasonably prevent injury. Because owner negligence must be proven in order for a victim to receive full compensation for their injuries, including medical expenses as well as lost wages from missed work and other related economic and non-economic costs, it is essential to have an unsafe conditions injury lawyer on your side for such cases. While you rest and recover, our personal injury attorney will thoroughly investigate the site of the accident, gather necessary paperwork on your behalf, and fight to prove that owner negligence was to blame for your injury.

Our team at Cohen & Riechelson has provided zealous legal representation to clients in Pennington, Mount Holly, Robbinsville, Willingboro, Mercer County, and Middlesex County, NJ, and we’re committed to working on behalf of your full physical and financial recovery after an accident caused by unsafe property conditions. Contact us today at (609) 528-2596 for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you get back on your feet.