A serious car accident in Hackettstown NJ is getting media attention after a teen driver crashed his vehicle into a residence.

The auto accident occurred around 9:30 p.m. According to authorities, the accident occurred on Lawrence Drive in Hackettstown, New Jersey. The driver, a 17-year-old teenager, was behind the wheel of a car and traveling in northwestern NJ when he saw two deer attempting to cross the road. The driver swerved to avoid the animals and ended up crashing into a house.

The scary accident sent a computer inside the house flying through the air. The computer nearly hit a resident who was seated in the living room at the time of the car crash.

Although no one was injured as a result of the auto accident, police reported that there was significant property damage to the house. In fact, the damage was reportedly so severe that the home was deemed uninhabitable and the residents had to leave the premises.

Hackettstown police are actively investigating the motor vehicle crash. At this time, law enforcement has not released any information about the driver of the car or the people who lived in the Hackettstown home. Additionally, police have not yet issued any traffic citations in the case.

Depending on the outcome of the investigation, it is possible that a personal injury lawsuit could be forthcoming. For instance, the owners of the home that was significantly damaged as a result of the car crash could potentially file suit against the driver of the car, the driver’s auto insurance company, or even the car manufacturer if turns out that a vehicle defect caused the accident.

For additional information about this personal injury case, view the following article: New Jersey driver swerves to avoid deer, crashes into house