After any slip and fall accident the normal and natural reaction is embarrassment. And usually a feeling that it was your fault or a simple mistake on your part. If the injury is not immediately debilitating, many people will try to move away from the scene of the incident as quickly as they are able regardless of the injuries they may have just sustained. However there are several factors that you should take into account. Such as the accident may not have been your fault. It may have been the result of negligence on the part of the property owner and may fall under the laws that govern premise liability. Also if you do not have documentation of the accident it may be difficult to receive financial compensation for injuries that may cause you to be unable to work and may significantly lower your quality of life.
Cohen & Riechelson is an highly experienced firm oriented toward results and consisting of skilled negotiators and tenacious attorneys who know how to win for you in the courtroom. Our team of lawyers includes a certified trial attorney.
If you are looking for an experienced personal injury attorney, Cohen & Riechelson is the choice for you. We are led by Jerrold Kamensky, and our accomplished and top notch team of attorneys have a proven record of success helping injured people and their families obtain fair and just financial compensation for their losses. Contact us online or by phone at (609) 528-2596 in New Jersey or (215) 337-4915 in Pennsylvania.
Common Causes of Bucks County Slip and Fall Accidents
There are countless reasons someone may slip and fall. A few of the most common negligent hazards that can cause slips and falls include:
- Ice that is not salted
- Uneven transition surfaces (i.e.carpet to wood) with no warning signs
- Recently mopped or waxed floors
- Loose floorboards, rugs, or mats, especially on stairs
- Potholes in parking lots
- Spilled liquids
- Splashed grease or oil that is not removed
- Environmental conditions, including
- Trash or debris on the floor
- Bright light reflecting on a shiny floor that causes glare
- Poor lighting that makes it difficult to see obstacles
- Cords that a run across walkways
- Open desk or cabinet drawers
- Ladders and stairs, including:
- No handrail present or not using a handrail
Recommendations of What to Do After a Mercer County Slip and Fall Accident
- Seek medical treatment. Health should be your top priority following a slip, trip, and fall accident. If you believe you have been hurt, it’s important to see a doctor so that your injuries can be properly diagnosed and documented. Medical records will be important pieces of evidence if you decide to seek compensation for your injuries.
- Report the incident. No matter the location of the slip, trip, and fall accident be sure to report it to a manager, owner or landlord. Do not forget to get the details of the incident in writing—ask the manager, owner or landlord to make a written report, and request a copy before you leave.
- It is very important to document everything. Be sure to collect the names, addresses, phone numbers as well as email addresses for all potential witnesses. Their statements could go along way toward proving your claim. It is an excellent idea to take pictures of the exact location where you fell and make sure to photograph any stairs, icy patches, or other conditions that contributed to your accident. Write down what you were doing right before the accident, the way you fell, and any other details, including the exact time and date. Also, shoes and clothing you were wearing during the accident may be relevant pieces of evidence later.
- Contact an attorney. If you are considering legal action it is important to have an experienced lawyer on your side. Since many slip, trip, and fall cases can be complex and difficult to prove the resources of an experienced and successful law firm can make all the difference.
Trenton Personal Injury Attorneys Discuses Slip and Fall Accidents
You know if you fall down and you’re shopping or you’re in somebody else’s property they’ve got a lot of responsibility to provide a safe place for you. There’s a lot we can do if you contact us immediately we get out we photograph, we measure, we get the case ready.
Very frequently a problem that’s in a parking lot, for example, might get paved over we want to see it so, we can prove your case in the best way possible when we get to court.
I think there’s a misconception that if you’re involved in a certain fall it’s your fault. Often we find that people injured while shopping, they’re looking at shelves as the industry wants them, to buy items and they’re not seeing the dangerous conditions that are on the ground there’s an obligation upon the stores to protect from dangerous conditions.
Call us come on in we will determine whether or not there’s a viable claim that we can pursue.
Contact Our Experienced Bensalem NJ Personal Injury Lawyers For Immediate Assistance
The right attorney can make all the difference toward gaining a successful and satisfactory resolution to your claim. If you or someone close to you suffered a personal injury in a slip and fall accident contact the experienced attorneys at Cohen & Riechelson.
Since 1972, we have worked with clients in Trenton, Princeton, Lawrence, Hamilton, New Brunswick and all over Mercer County NJ as well as Bensalem, Northeast Philadelphia, Levittown, Feasterville, Millbrook, Penndel and all over Bucks County PA, and we are here to help you pursue just financial compensation for your losses. Contact us online or by phone at (609) 528-2596 in New Jersey or (215) 337-4915 in Pennsylvania. Our knowledgeable attorneys will be happy to answer all of your questions and advise you on the most effective legal options available in your case.