The summer months reminds us of a time for fun with family and friends. As we are traveling through life enjoying the activities we are involved in under the summer sun a myriad of unexpected events can occur such as motor vehicle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and even slip and fall injuries. While we are relaxing with our family and friends at the poolside, you can’t help but feel like you are in the safest environment in the world. However this lack of caution or a reduction of attention or care can be very dangerous as it relates to yourself, a child, or any loved one.
Drowning is the second leading injury-related cause of death in children under the age of 15, according to The National Safety Council (NSC). Tragically, there are an average of 7,000 drowning deaths each year in America. The CDC reports that children between the ages of 1 and 4 are the most at risk, and the vast majority of these drownings occur in home swimming pools. In spite of being the location of so many fun family gatherings and celebrations, the pool can be a very dangerous place. For this reason there are strict regulations regarding pool safety.
Today we will discuss William’s Law, and how this law can be an invaluable tool for people and families who are injured when these swimming pool regulations are not properly observed from Trenton to Bensalem and Philadelphia, and across all of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
New Jersey’s Williams law can be implemented to drive a favorable settlement by an experienced Hamilton, NJ attorney. If you or someone you know has been injured or has tragically died in a pool accident, be sure to seek counsel with the experience and know-how to deliver a result that protects you and your family not only for today but for the future. Our Personal Injury Attorneys Phil Cohen and Kevin Riechelson, lead the Injury Litigation Team with a number of distinguished achievements that are earned not given through additional training, continuing legal education, and actual hours of trial work under their belt.
Contact our Mercer County Accident Lawyers today for a free and no obligation consultation to find out an effective and aggressive course of actions aimed to protect your rights during such a difficult time.
William’s Law Attorney Princeton NJ
February 2010 saw New Jersey legislators pass the pool safety laws known as “William’s Law”. The many regulations outlined in this legislation include rules for pools, their surrounding structures, and the behavior of pool owners. Our Princeton pool safety attorneys highly recommend that every pool owner is compliant with the following New Jersey state standards:
- The definition of a “Swimming Pool” is any structure containing water of eighteen (18) or more inches in depth or eight (8) feet or more in width. Swimming pools, ponds, non-portable spas, hot tubs, fountains, as well as other bodies of water are included in this definition.
- Swimming pools must be completely surrounded and enclosed by a four sided fence or other type of barrier
- Fences, gates as well as other openings leading to the pool area must have self closing and self latching openings
Please be sure that your pool is up to code, view the state’s pool safety laws or contact an experienced Princeton attorney.
Hamilton Pool Accident Claim Recovery Lawyers
New Jersey’s Williams law can be used by an experienced Hamilton attorney, if you or someone you know has been injured or died in a pool accident. A skilled and knowledgeable Hamilton attorney may be able get compensation for you and your family in the form of a personal injury claim or a wrongful death suit.
For a successful William’s Law claim you and your attorney will be required to prove:
- That an accident occurred when, where, and how you assert it did, and that this accident was the direct cause of your injuries.
- Said injuries resulted in specific damages to life such as medical expenses, lost income, physical and emotional pain and suffering..
- Said accident, and the resulting injuries, were the direct result of the pool owner being out of compliance with pool safety laws put forth by William’s Law i.e. improper fencing.
To successfully prove these elements, our Hamilton William’s Law lawyers will work with investigators, engineers as well as other experts to establish if there was fault on the part of the pool owner. In addition counsel will work with your physician to document the nature and extent of all injuries and disabilities that were incurred. With our extensive knowledge of personal injury and wrongful death law we will work diligently to put together a clear picture of what happened, how injuries occurred and why the pool owner is responsible for those injuries according to William’s Law.
Contact A New Brunswick Swimming Pool Injury Attorney Today
Cohen & Riechelson has served clients from Trenton, Princeton, Lawrence, Hamilton, New Brunswick as well as all over Mercer County and other New Jersey communities. Our firm is known for our skill in recovering substantial financial compensation for our clients and their families.
Our experienced William’s Law attorneys will evaluate every facet of your case in order to ensure that you receive the compensation that you and your family deserve. For a free consultation with a member of our talented personal injury team, contact us at (609) 528-2596 Toll Free: 888-979-6871 Fax: 609-394-8620 Map and Directions.